Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario

Organization Type: Other Nonprofit
Address: 4500 Blakie Rd #117, London, Ontario N6L 1G5
Contact: Victoria Zwicker

Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario is currently in search of volunteers to help run our annual Walk for Parkinson’s. This event is always a huge success with the help of so many of our amazing volunteers. This year we plan to host the walk in person following COVID-19 public health guidelines. In the event COVID-19 restrictions change the Walk for Parkinson’s will be held virtually.

To assist with this event, we are recruiting volunteers for two positions:

  1. Community Champions

As a community champion you will Invite people to be part of the event, Share the event within your community and networks and Mobilize others to the walk a success by sharing your plans, thinking up creative ideas on how to tell others about the event and encouraging people to communicate online. This is a minimal time commitment and can be done remotely.

  1. Day-of Volunteers

As a day-of volunteer you will assist in a number of positions including set-up/take-down, parking crew, finish-line, greeter among others. Day-of volunteers help our walk run smoothly.


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Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario’s Volunteer Opportunities

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The only truly happy man is always a fighting optimist. Optimism includes not only altruism but also social responsibility, social courage and objectivity.
W. Beran Wolfe

Contact Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario

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4500 Blakie Rd #117, London, Ontario N6L 1G5

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