ReForest London

Organization Type: Animals & Environment
Address: 944 Western Counties Road, London, Ontario N6C 6A9

ReForest London Logo

ReForest London (RFL) is a small but mighty non-profit organization with a vision to see our community thriving in a healthy urban forest. We’re on a mission to enhance environmental and human health in the Forest City by inspiring, educating and empowering Londoners to plant and care for trees and to be part of a sustainability- focused future for our community.

Since our founding in 2005, we have grown to become London’s largest environmental not-for-profit organization. Powered by passionate staff and volunteers, ReForest London plants, cares for, and gives away thousands of trees each year. ReForest London also offers many tree-themed educational activities such as workshops, webinars and hikes. We are big on partnerships and increasingly looking to help facilitate large- scale, citywide solutions to environmental issues. Two of our larger projects at the moment include London’s Million Tree Challenge (, which we co-founded with the City of London, and the creation of a regional environmental centre, the Westminster Ponds Centre for Environment & Sustainability (

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What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pine

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944 Western Counties Road, London, Ontario N6C 6A9

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